Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wave terminology. Wave terms explained

These are terms you may see on waving forums or websites so I made this article so you don't get lost if you see these words.

CC - This stands for carrot creme which is my personal favorite moisturizer. It is made by the brand hollywood beauty.

OC - This stands for olive creme which is also made by the brand hollywood beauty. I used to use it but Carrot Creme just seems better to me.

PL - This stands for pink lotion which is made by the brand motion. I used to combine this with Carrot Creme but I just got lazy of doing that so I just use the carrot creme alone lol.

CCH - This stands for carrot cholestoral and its my favorite type of conditioner. It is also made by the brand hollywood beauty.

OCH - This stands for olive cholestoral and it used to be my favorite type of hair condtioner until I realized since I used carrot creme let me used the carrot conditioner as well. This conditioner however smells better.

ATG - This stands for against the grain and is a type of haircut in which the barber cuts your hair opposite the way you brush.

WTG - This stands for with the grain and is a type of haircut in which the barber cuts your hair the same way you brush. This is how I usally tell the barber to cut my hair because I believe it helps make my waves visible.

Shower Brushing - This is the process in which you brush your hair while taking a shower. You have to leave your hair under the water and brush it with a hard brush for about 2 - 3 minutes. I usually shower brush with my diane 8157 which I wrote about.

H20 Method - This is the process in which you use a spray bottle and brush your hair with a hard brush in my case my diane 8157 until damp or dry whichever you choose.

Diane - This is my favorite brush brand. In my opinion they make the best types of brushes and I wrote an article about my favorite types of diane brushes.

Annie - This is another type of brush brand that I don't really have interest in.

And thats all I can think of right now I'll add more if I think about them.


1 comment:

  1. also if you wanna learn how to get waves, I suggest you visit ---->The Real Method to 360 Waves they got good tips too
